Saturday, March 29, 2008

Don't Count on It

Glenn Beck has it right, I do not like either party and I do not trust any of the politicians to do what they say they will, because they will not. So what is there to trust in? Religion aside, and I know for me it is what life really should be, but that aside what in this world can we count on?
We can pretty well plan on gaining weight. We can also plan to get older. We can plan on the fact that business will continue to make money and not give us much of it. We can count on the fact that government will not get smaller and taxes will not go down. We can count on the world trying to keep Oil king. I wonder what spurred the move away from whale blubber to oil. I know, the car, but why didn’t they create a car that ran on blubber? We can always breed whales. We do not have many dinosaurs to kill and squash under sand for thousands of years.
Why can’t we figure out how to make cars run on something else? Why do we have to grow tons of corn to put in our cars so that we cannot afford beef in a year or so? Why can’t people who make decisions look long term and not just to the next election? We can count on leadership to be mediocre at best; we can count on so-called leaders to do the expedient rather than the right thing. We can count on the fact that they will speak to us to make us excited. Public Relations is an art and political science has discovered lots of societal formulas. So we get Obama exciting everyone to hope for socialism, even though he really doesn’t believe it will work. We hear Obama saying he will get out of Iraq with his public mouth and behind the scenes, he is saying well let us talk about it and do what Bush is trying to do anyway.
Then there’s Hillary target Clinton. The one who is picked on and shot at and deserves the presidency because she lived with one. The problem is what experience did she get from Bill? It must be how to bomb Iraq when you are being impeached? Obviously, she learned to duck under fire in her mind. They always say to be successful at something you need to visualize it. It depends on what is is, whether she misspoke or lied.
McCain is old. He is too old. We did that with one President already and he forgot that he had a second term and what is is, or where it went, or why it was.
We can count on both parties to hate the result of the election and promise to fix it in the mid-term and next election. We can count on the Republicans in Congress to discover thrift again. We can count on the democrats to tax and spend and blame the Republicans who set the example.
We can count on prices to go up on everything but wages. Obama has promised to raise taxes. Hillary has promised whatever you want. McCain has promised to go on trips overseas.
I promise to be disgusted and vote. However, I also promise I will not like it. I can count on some cop somewhere trying to do his job to pick on me, instead of that person who just whizzed past us on their cell phone. I can count on someone else getting a job I would like and someone else to make the money I would like. I can count on everyone telling me to keep trying and it will work out. I can count on it will not. What I will not count on is this country surviving as a world leader much longer. We’re too busy counting on our past to sustain us, while we become a nation of lazy people, who believe someone else will do it, and those gay people aren’t so bad, and those illegal immigrants are doing my yard and cooking my food so I’m ok and they’re rotten, but I hope they keep the prices down for us, because heaven knows the economy stinks and my salary isn’t going up. Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what Mexico can do, and what courtesy you can extend to someone who violates every moral character aspect that our past was founded on. What can we count on? Nothing.