Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gadianton May Still be Winning

Alright…so we have Barak in charge soon, along with Lizard Lips and Harry and the senators. We now own the banking system, the housing market through Freddie and Fannie, and a bunch of insurance. Proposition 8 passed in California, so now its open season on Mormons, because they stood up for their belief in marriage (with blacks, and Catholics and many other religions I might add). But Mormons do have a handy downtown location for protest…so why not? They’re used to it anyway.

The question I have is if they are going to boycott Utah, how are they going to picket the Mormon’s office building? Hmmm, might have to rethink that one. Also if the gays boycott Utah what do you think the Utah natives are going to think? “OH No! They aren’t coming here any more?” I don’t think so. More like “would everyone else who hates Mormon’s please boycott too….Pleeeeeaaassse, and take Rocky Anderson with you!”

The world is too big to fit in a hand basket, so going to hell in one is a problem, but somehow, someway our faux leaders have figured out a way to do it. I am not violent by nature, but its time to take the country and its constitution back. Or is it too late? I really do want to see Obama succeed. Honest, I do. We are in such a mess making it worse is only going to…well make matters worse. The worser (I know it’s not a word) it gets the more powerless the people feel. But then, how long do we go with the flow? Or is it too late? Has madness just taken over? Are we living in Jonestown, USA? Or did I somehow fall asleep and slip into the Twilight Zone?

I just cannot understand how a people that created a country from hard work, democracy, and then saw the fall of socialism in very recent times, can fall for all of this. In the 60s we wanted to get rid of marriage, now everybody and everything should be allowed to marry who or what they may?

When will we get real leadership? Obama is going to lead, no doubt…but to what? Where is the leadership in either party that believes in good old American, mother, apple pie, work for what you get values, in a moral atmosphere, in a world where people can have differing opinions and not be mocked, and believe in God and not be punished for it? Where is that leader?

There are many out there. They just don’t have the political stage. We need a leader who stands up for truth, justice, and the American Way. But then Superman isn’t real, and it seems no one can fill those shoes and win. I’m afraid we’ve lost our country, our values as a society, and I for one have lost faith in the people of America as a whole.

We hate too much, we want too much, we expect too much, and we let the people who cause the problems try to fix it, with their own wallets in mind. You may hate Mormons and that actually proves the point, we need a General Moroni right now.