Thursday, February 22, 2007


Hair is an interesting thing. The older you get the stranger it becomes. In my case I haven't lost a whole lot of it on my head, in fact I really have too much up there. I know that's not something to complain about, I'm not. But it really is quite thick, always has. For awhile my daughter would color it for me. I always wanted a golden tinge to the brown...but it was really too brown, but she was becoming a beautician so I was game and it was free. Now that she is tired of playing around with it it is becoming more and more a salt and pepper look with all the grey sneaking in. My mother is pure white so I suspect if I live long enough it will eventually reach that, and that's OK it looks cool on old guys.
I really have had an interesting relationship with hair. I hate haircuts and I hate people telling me how to wear it, wash it or cut it. I come from the wet head is dead generation and despise all the crap people put in their hair these days. My daughter wants me to use forming cream. I hate the way it feels, though it is better than that mouse crap it still feels stiff and like it's dirty. So I avoid it. My kids like it, and there are some genuine good styles that it helps, and I'm the last to criticize. I've always been on the side of leave me alone about my hair it doesn't make me less of an employee or boss or student or whatever. Though if you saw mine I keep it looking about the style a banker would wear, you'd never believe I was a rebel, well at least until I've gone 3 months without a haircut. When I was young my Mom would cut my hair and had this comb thing that had a razor in it. But the razor was dull, so instead of slicing the hair it pulled it out. So I really hate haircuts.
No the hair on my head isn't the hair I'm worried about. What I can't understand is the ear hair. Why? Why ear hair? I mean if we have evolved from something hairy why didn't the ear hair go away. What purpose does it serve? I regularly use my razor to shave it away. That's a tricky place to shave and more than once I had to walk away from the mirror with a dab of toilet paper attached to my ear to stop the bleeding. What I don't understand even more than why it's there, but why do some guys leave it there? I can imagine there may be a benefit of not being able to hear some people, but I've seen some guys with enough to braid. Not really but it really can look matted. I just don't get why they leave it there.
The other one that bugs me of course is nose hair. I had a mustache at one time so it wasn't as noticeable, but it was there. Some people don't do anything about it. I know it hurts like hades to pluck it out. But there are scissors and battery operated things that will trim it. I mean nothing is more distracting that a shnoz full of hair with things stuck in it. I wonder if it can grow from the nose back to the ear. Maybe then ear hair is really just nose hair misplaced or overgrown. What a thought that is.
There are plenty of places for hair and types of hair, but I just don't get the nose and ear stuff. I guess I really should be on the side of liberty and freedom for those places as well as the top of the head, but I can't bring myself to be that generous. Please just trim your ears and nose. Do whatever you want with the rest.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sick and Tired

I'm a guy. Guys get sick. Guys have headaches. Guys get aches and pains. Non-Guys...wives...don't get sick except as it applies to guys. What I've found is I... the not allowed to mention any number of ailments. If I do then the wife instantly believes you don't love her anymore because you are trying to make yourself unattractive to her. So a guy has to be very careful about what ailments to reveal and when. Never before bed or during bed. Never anything that involves you being inhibited from doing the guy things the wife thinks you should be doing at the time she decides its guy thing doing time.
On the other hand, the wife can when she does get an ache or headache, or just plain tired, is allowed to whine. This of course is done and allowed at anytime. Especially effective is the whine on the phone to the other wives of the world. Of course this whine receives sympathy from the wives of the world, but it is not complete until the wife in question can whine that the guy in question is unsympathetic and the worst guy in the world. This also receives a lot of sympathy.
The next time you and your wife are then out with one of these other wives you immediately, as the guy must be submissive and meek as penance. No amount of explanation that at the same time as the whining was going on you had polio and the plague will do... which you, as the guy, of course did not dare reveal during the whine session (though you are sorely tempted), so you look meekly and praise the wife as being a real trooper through the whole thing. The other guy of course looks at you in disdain. What kind of real guy would ever side with the wives of the world about a whine. But you have to. It may not be a guy thing, but it is a guy requirement. Because there are times when you actually feel good and so does the wife and you can actually do enjoyable things together. Just make sure those things don't cost a lot of money that is spent on you. It's OK to spend the money on things like furniture. But don't buy a saw horse. Whatever you do not a saw horse or anything that goes along with it. You have to borrow those from her brother. Make sure you also check with her brother for instructions on how to do whatever it is, even though you've done it many times yourself without that other guy's help. The Brother is always a better guy than you, and you have to admit that or hear more whining. She'll call brother's wife and complain about you to her. Then you'll hear it from the brother who is only trying to help you become a real guy. Always remember you don't have any opinions either until you check with the brother. Now I'm at the stage where I have to check with brothers, but Father in laws qualify as supreme before the brother stage.
Then there is the son-in-law stage. He of course doesn't understand about guy stuff in a marriage. He is still new to the combination of guy and wife. He was so successful as a guy on his own that he doesn't believe you about guy stuff at first. After awhile you become very wise. Of course if he does stuff you don't do, when it comes time for you to do something that he does you have to check with him...even though you've done it lots of times.
So as a guy you don't know anything, you are in perfect health all of the time...and for heavens sakes don't forget you have to talk about the day's problems and all of the kids problems before you get to bed...Don't leave until you're ready for bed. You'll never come to end of bed....and then you have to hear the whining about how you don't respect the wife's opinion, when all you want is some sleep. I'm afraid guys aren't equipped to talk, but wives are and you have to face it, you have no choice you have to learn to talk. Oh, yeah and don't forget to go downstairs and get her pills and a drink.

Monday, February 5, 2007


I sent my computer in to have them do their little thing to make it work better. It really doesn't but I feel as if I've done my duty. Duty is a an interesting thing. When I was little it was the thing you did in your pants but shouldn't have...then it was a scouting thing Do your Duty to God and your Country. Then in the teen years it was something somebody in the military had to do. Now it is just a simple requirement of life. I suppose in the future it may get back to being something you shouldn't do in your pants, but I hope not. Right now my son feels it his teenage duty to try to talk to me about his school credits that will go on to college and some band trip he's going to take to Seattle that will cost me about $700, and then he is complaining how everyone makes a mess when they make dinner...then he is mad at having to do the dishes.

It was kind of nice to be without the computer though. I didn't have to read e-mail, I didn't look at the student loan, I didn't get started on the taxes....I really did but that's on the home computer, not my laptop. Having a laptop has made life much nicer. I don't have to fight with kids for the homework nights...yeah right as if they actually do homework, it's email, IM and games they really do. I don't have to wait for my wife to stop playing spider...I can play it myself on my own machine...and write up blogs that fulfill my need to write. I can apply for new jobs, play solitaire and even check up on the student loan without answering 20 questions about it. So being without the laptop has been a pain, but it sure was nice to disconnect from the world for awhile...well sort of, I'm on the 'puter all day long at work. You can't do anything except read the exciting knowledge base and the PR stuff they send you. Which brings up another point. Why do companies feel the need to tell you how wonderful they are and as a result how wonderful I am? They never tell you the bad stuff. It's always fluff and about some shlep who made some little old granny the happiest customer to walk the planet. Then they try to make you think you could be next. Which to be honest if they ever wrote something up like they do on me...I'd probably quit. I'm just not that fluffy bunny person they want to portray, so I'm not at risk.

I guess now that the computer's back (I did buy it a new battery and a new carrying case) life is normal again. Anyone have any cheats for 4 suit spider?