Thursday, October 2, 2008

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Politicians

I've decided its time we take our government back. In order to form a more perfect union we the people reserve the right to change things similar to what happened in 1776. We are not represented...the people who are back there do not know what they are doing and have said so. We should all stay home on election day. Who can win if there are no votes cast? We should all stop paying taxes. They can't bail out the rich if they have no money to begin with...well not entirely true they're doing it now.

I'm really thinking it may be time for a coup by the people. Throw everyone out. Start over with the same constitution we now have, and put people there who will follow it. Where in the constitution does the Treasury Secretary have the power to spend money as he sees fit. I thought that was Congress.. and we know where that leads.

The President is taking on powers not granted to him by the constitution. The Congress is trying to go along...because they can't get a loan for their campaigns and Freddy and Fannie have dried up. When is enough, enough? When do the states (who aren't governed much better) say shove it to the feds? Get your act together and we might be able to work something out. Glenn Beck trusts no one...I trust even fewer people than that. I am sick of the politics, I am sick of the arguments, and I am sick of the money problems.

Instead of giving the rich 700 billion dollars why not a million dollars to each person who voted in the last presidential election. It would be cheaper and stimulate the economy...and guess what...the poor will no longer be poor..and Obama can then tax them all. Who would need a loan then? Oh wait that might put the Simmons family out of the banking business...oh sorry Harris...Papa Roy never intended you to be unemployed.

If I had a million dollars (two actually, my wife voted too)...I might just pay off the house, get Countrywide off my back. And I might just save some money, and I might just buy a new fridge, or new car and stimulate the market. You want an incentive plan? There's one that makes sense.

You want to help the rich? Go to Hell.