So Lizard Lips Pelosi is learning not to lick her lips on camera during a Presidential speech to a joint session of Congress. Now if she could just stop looking so pompous. And what in the world was that dress she was wearing. Did she think she was at the Oscars and she had to show off her endowment? We have Maria Carrie for a Speaker of the House.
Joe Biden looked like he was bored. Nancy showed him up too. She can jump out the chair faster than he can to cheer on his Highness. Too bad there wasn’t any water in the chamber; Obama could have walked on it for us all. That would prove to us his stimulus package is as potent as he brags (we all know how big the package is and he’s the winner of the last election because of it).
So BO doesn’t want to follow the losers from the Bush years. Think about this for a minute. Bush cut taxes. Economy boomed. Republican Congress spent like they were frenzied Democrats. Economy fails. Obama wants to spend like a Republican Congress apparently. Didn’t they fail according to his Holiness? So tax cuts don’t work, just ask Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush. Spending helps. Just ask Hoover, Johnson, Carter, and Bill.
Let’s see Hoover spending along with Roosevelt spending, brought us the Great Depression. Johnson spending brought us the 70s. Carter brought us the late 70s and early 80s and 21% interest rates. And Bill set us up for the good old recession of the early 2000s.
Reagan set us up for the boom of the 90s. Kennedy gave us the boom of the 60s and Bush, brought us out the Clinton recession, turned the economy around after 9/11 and was doing really not too bad, until the Republicans lost their mind, and then the Democrats took over for the last two years. America’s sweetheart Barnie Frank and his glum friend Chris Dodd give us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. No one seems to know how to pay their taxes ala Charlie Rangel who wrote the bill.
So now where is the credibility? I’d say nobody in Washington DC has any. The banks don’t have it. The CEOs and the car makers don’t have any. Harry Potter couldn’t even ride in on his white horse waving his wand and fix this mess. It’s time to turn to something we’ve had for a long time and follow it, the Constitution.
It’s time we start understanding that elections aren’t like American Idol. We can’t vote for a Socialist government and expect Capitalism to erupt. We can’t trust a Lizard to guard the hen house. We can’t expect a President who would negotiate with terrorists to do anything else than give money to them to fix their bombed out Gaza. (This money by the way is from a country that relies on the radar of Lizard Lips to flick her tongue and find the mood of the country; then write some legislation that makes sense. I’m sorry Nancy, but that forked tongue of yours didn’t quite figure out the right thing to do).
So we send Pelosi, Obama, Hillary, Rangel, Dobbs, Sleepy Joe Biden, to Washington because they looked nicer than Romney, or Palin, or McCain, and Simon (the Press) liked them better.
Can we expect anything less than a riot this summer or even a coup? I hope so. The people who make sense don’t destroy their own futures. But you cannot expect us to go quietly to the execution of our Country’s values and principles. Wrap your tongue around that one and jump up out of your chair like a jack-in-the-box all you want Pelosi. I think your gang’s days are numbered. I hear there may be a job for you in Italy though.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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