Alright…so we have Barak in charge soon, along with Lizard Lips and Harry and the senators. We now own the banking system, the housing market through Freddie and Fannie, and a bunch of insurance. Proposition 8 passed in California, so now its open season on Mormons, because they stood up for their belief in marriage (with blacks, and Catholics and many other religions I might add). But Mormons do have a handy downtown location for protest…so why not? They’re used to it anyway.
The question I have is if they are going to boycott Utah, how are they going to picket the Mormon’s office building? Hmmm, might have to rethink that one. Also if the gays boycott Utah what do you think the Utah natives are going to think? “OH No! They aren’t coming here any more?” I don’t think so. More like “would everyone else who hates Mormon’s please boycott too….Pleeeeeaaassse, and take Rocky Anderson with you!”
The world is too big to fit in a hand basket, so going to hell in one is a problem, but somehow, someway our faux leaders have figured out a way to do it. I am not violent by nature, but its time to take the country and its constitution back. Or is it too late? I really do want to see Obama succeed. Honest, I do. We are in such a mess making it worse is only going to…well make matters worse. The worser (I know it’s not a word) it gets the more powerless the people feel. But then, how long do we go with the flow? Or is it too late? Has madness just taken over? Are we living in Jonestown, USA? Or did I somehow fall asleep and slip into the Twilight Zone?
I just cannot understand how a people that created a country from hard work, democracy, and then saw the fall of socialism in very recent times, can fall for all of this. In the 60s we wanted to get rid of marriage, now everybody and everything should be allowed to marry who or what they may?
When will we get real leadership? Obama is going to lead, no doubt…but to what? Where is the leadership in either party that believes in good old American, mother, apple pie, work for what you get values, in a moral atmosphere, in a world where people can have differing opinions and not be mocked, and believe in God and not be punished for it? Where is that leader?
There are many out there. They just don’t have the political stage. We need a leader who stands up for truth, justice, and the American Way. But then Superman isn’t real, and it seems no one can fill those shoes and win. I’m afraid we’ve lost our country, our values as a society, and I for one have lost faith in the people of America as a whole.
We hate too much, we want too much, we expect too much, and we let the people who cause the problems try to fix it, with their own wallets in mind. You may hate Mormons and that actually proves the point, we need a General Moroni right now.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Politicians
I've decided its time we take our government back. In order to form a more perfect union we the people reserve the right to change things similar to what happened in 1776. We are not represented...the people who are back there do not know what they are doing and have said so. We should all stay home on election day. Who can win if there are no votes cast? We should all stop paying taxes. They can't bail out the rich if they have no money to begin with...well not entirely true they're doing it now.
I'm really thinking it may be time for a coup by the people. Throw everyone out. Start over with the same constitution we now have, and put people there who will follow it. Where in the constitution does the Treasury Secretary have the power to spend money as he sees fit. I thought that was Congress.. and we know where that leads.
The President is taking on powers not granted to him by the constitution. The Congress is trying to go along...because they can't get a loan for their campaigns and Freddy and Fannie have dried up. When is enough, enough? When do the states (who aren't governed much better) say shove it to the feds? Get your act together and we might be able to work something out. Glenn Beck trusts no one...I trust even fewer people than that. I am sick of the politics, I am sick of the arguments, and I am sick of the money problems.
Instead of giving the rich 700 billion dollars why not a million dollars to each person who voted in the last presidential election. It would be cheaper and stimulate the economy...and guess what...the poor will no longer be poor..and Obama can then tax them all. Who would need a loan then? Oh wait that might put the Simmons family out of the banking business...oh sorry Harris...Papa Roy never intended you to be unemployed.
If I had a million dollars (two actually, my wife voted too)...I might just pay off the house, get Countrywide off my back. And I might just save some money, and I might just buy a new fridge, or new car and stimulate the market. You want an incentive plan? There's one that makes sense.
You want to help the rich? Go to Hell.
I'm really thinking it may be time for a coup by the people. Throw everyone out. Start over with the same constitution we now have, and put people there who will follow it. Where in the constitution does the Treasury Secretary have the power to spend money as he sees fit. I thought that was Congress.. and we know where that leads.
The President is taking on powers not granted to him by the constitution. The Congress is trying to go along...because they can't get a loan for their campaigns and Freddy and Fannie have dried up. When is enough, enough? When do the states (who aren't governed much better) say shove it to the feds? Get your act together and we might be able to work something out. Glenn Beck trusts no one...I trust even fewer people than that. I am sick of the politics, I am sick of the arguments, and I am sick of the money problems.
Instead of giving the rich 700 billion dollars why not a million dollars to each person who voted in the last presidential election. It would be cheaper and stimulate the economy...and guess what...the poor will no longer be poor..and Obama can then tax them all. Who would need a loan then? Oh wait that might put the Simmons family out of the banking business...oh sorry Harris...Papa Roy never intended you to be unemployed.
If I had a million dollars (two actually, my wife voted too)...I might just pay off the house, get Countrywide off my back. And I might just save some money, and I might just buy a new fridge, or new car and stimulate the market. You want an incentive plan? There's one that makes sense.
You want to help the rich? Go to Hell.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
AIG Won't Collapse and Other Things to Not Worry About
Since the last time I wrote, (I’ve been busy, get over it), my grandson turned 2, I got promoted with no raise, Obama beat Hillary, Lizard Lips Pelosi made a fool out of herself (and wrote a book I hear), my Dad turned 80, my Dad died, and the day after the funeral my son found out he’s going to Mexico at the end of the year for 2 years. Oh yeah, and the economic underpinnings of the United States fell apart, and Ike devastate half the country.
Not much going on otherwise.
Here’s the deal, I’ve been watching all of this go by wondering how much more can we all take? Gasoline used to be a big deal, until milk prices went up to match. That used to mean something until the country got into the mortgage and insurance business (is there an owner’s discount for the tax payers? I could use some cheaper insurance). All of that, it turns out doesn’t mean squat when you take a nearly 80 year-old man to a 2-year-old’s birthday party. I watched both of them. They seemed to act about the same. The 2-year-old was more active of course, and he was in charge. Whatever anyone else was doing he had to do it, or have it. He was so innocent and 2…everything was his and no one could touch it.
How do we lose that innocence? I mean Pelosi was 2 once. How did she become such a snake? How does the world fret about things like Internet Explorer versus Google’s Chrome explorer, and why does it matter? Why do people have to be greedy to the point that they put Lehman Brothers into bankruptcy, and the government decides to nationalize the financial industry, and who in their right mind thinks that’s a good idea? Nobody really knows what to do. That’s the one thing that is very clear.
We are gambling with our future, but we don’t know what the odds are. As long as somebody is making money damn the torpedoes (in this case the public) full speed ahead. My Dad proved you can’t take it with you. He spent a lifetime trying to leave a legacy. He did. The world doesn’t change though. There are plenty of people’s lives he changed while he was alive with the houses he built, but we still are in Iraq. He helped a bunch of kids in little league, but we still now own AIG as a country. He left a bunch of assets to his kids, but Obama still might win despite the fact his financial advisors are, among others, the same people who killed Freddie and Fannie.
Nope. In the end my Dad lies entombed in a wall with a hammer in one hand, his wallet in the other and a baseball beside him. The tragedy is the two-year-old didn’t know him, neither did his kids, and he blamed that on them (I know. I was there when he said it). And guess what…Pelosi is still licking her lips, Hillary is still a woman and a Senator (and still married to that jack-ass), Obama is still a left wing socialist, McCain still will try to shake things up, and will if he dies in office leaving us with Palin in charge. A nice lady but the glasses don’t do a thing for her. I don’t know maybe she’ll do just fine. Then again someone once told me how sound a company AIG was and that they weren’t going to go anywhere overnight.
Not much going on otherwise.
Here’s the deal, I’ve been watching all of this go by wondering how much more can we all take? Gasoline used to be a big deal, until milk prices went up to match. That used to mean something until the country got into the mortgage and insurance business (is there an owner’s discount for the tax payers? I could use some cheaper insurance). All of that, it turns out doesn’t mean squat when you take a nearly 80 year-old man to a 2-year-old’s birthday party. I watched both of them. They seemed to act about the same. The 2-year-old was more active of course, and he was in charge. Whatever anyone else was doing he had to do it, or have it. He was so innocent and 2…everything was his and no one could touch it.
How do we lose that innocence? I mean Pelosi was 2 once. How did she become such a snake? How does the world fret about things like Internet Explorer versus Google’s Chrome explorer, and why does it matter? Why do people have to be greedy to the point that they put Lehman Brothers into bankruptcy, and the government decides to nationalize the financial industry, and who in their right mind thinks that’s a good idea? Nobody really knows what to do. That’s the one thing that is very clear.
We are gambling with our future, but we don’t know what the odds are. As long as somebody is making money damn the torpedoes (in this case the public) full speed ahead. My Dad proved you can’t take it with you. He spent a lifetime trying to leave a legacy. He did. The world doesn’t change though. There are plenty of people’s lives he changed while he was alive with the houses he built, but we still are in Iraq. He helped a bunch of kids in little league, but we still now own AIG as a country. He left a bunch of assets to his kids, but Obama still might win despite the fact his financial advisors are, among others, the same people who killed Freddie and Fannie.
Nope. In the end my Dad lies entombed in a wall with a hammer in one hand, his wallet in the other and a baseball beside him. The tragedy is the two-year-old didn’t know him, neither did his kids, and he blamed that on them (I know. I was there when he said it). And guess what…Pelosi is still licking her lips, Hillary is still a woman and a Senator (and still married to that jack-ass), Obama is still a left wing socialist, McCain still will try to shake things up, and will if he dies in office leaving us with Palin in charge. A nice lady but the glasses don’t do a thing for her. I don’t know maybe she’ll do just fine. Then again someone once told me how sound a company AIG was and that they weren’t going to go anywhere overnight.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Beverage of Hope
Why does McDonalds insist on running that stupid ice coffee commercial? It is annoying and quite absurd. First off, the person holding the cup; who holds a cup like that walking the street (hmmm subliminal message about the morals of a person drinking their ice coffee?)? Do they think they are in the NFL and can straight arm their way down the street? “Excuse me lady, I have to hold my coffee out here. It’s kind of a radar detector so I don’t bump into something…well so I know when I’ve bumped…well so I’ll know to say I’m sorry after I knocked you down and plowed over you.”
Maybe it is a way to get a better place in line. All you have to do is turn in a circle and everyone will have to move away. It’s kind of like the people on their cell phones…they have their little space they pace in. Next time you want to be irritating, stand in the path the person on the cell phone is walking. The looks are priceless.
So in essence McDonalds is telling us that if you have ice coffee no one can get in your way, and if they do you’ll knock them over. So your fundamental nature is that you are a tough guy if you drink McDonald’s ice coffee. Hillary probably drinks it. Bush for sure does. Barrack, he drinks Frappes. He has to in order to bowl the way he does.
The Utah Jazz should drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee, but they don’t, at least not at home. We all know in Utah liquor and coffees are outlawed; but polygamy, now there’s something you can sink your teeth into (or do you sip it through a straw?). So pass the 14 year old and mind the milk.
I wonder if that guy who wants the NBA to cancel the Houston/Utah game because Houston is in Texas, and because they are in Texas T. Mac must be responsible for the family services down there taking all those good little “Mormon” kids. Oh wait, they aren’t Mormon. Neither is T-Mac…so it all works out. I wonder if T-Mac drinks McDonald’s Ice Coffee. That's not possible if it means your tough (ouch!). He probably drinks powdered milk.
We know the FLDS kids don’t dink MCdonald's Ice Coffee. They all drink mother’s milk if you believe all the news stories. I wonder if any of the FLDS kids jumped on those beds in the temple? I hope not, they’d spill their McDonald’s Ice Coffee the Jeff’s family is forcing them to drink, or not to drink, I don’t know which it is anymore because they aren’t Mormons. We all know Mormons are the only people on the earth who don’t drink McDonald’s ice coffee.
I don’t drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee so I must be Mormon. So in essence McDonalds is practicing religious bigotry with their commercial. I wonder what Reverend Wright would say about that? “G.D. McDonalds; it’s in the Bible!” It probably is, somewhere. The book of Ronald, chapter 2, I think.
Illegal aliens don’t drink enough McDonald’s Ice Coffee. We need to send them back, until they toughen up. We need them to drink more or get out; our economy depends on their consumption of McDonald’s Ice Coffee.
So here’s the moral I guess: If you drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee you’re a hooker and a tough Line Baker in the NFL, who knocks down little old ladies in the grocery store. You are Non-Mormon, an FLDS child (who jumps on the bed), and a Democrat, who hates McDonalds, and you are cheering for the Houston Rockets. And you might be a red neck illegal alien.
McDonalds needs to start writing Hillary commercials. They are so full of meaning, and their advertising budget is huge. We could see a Hillary commercial during every station break. McCain never had it so good (he drinks Diet Lime Coke I think).
Maybe it is a way to get a better place in line. All you have to do is turn in a circle and everyone will have to move away. It’s kind of like the people on their cell phones…they have their little space they pace in. Next time you want to be irritating, stand in the path the person on the cell phone is walking. The looks are priceless.
So in essence McDonalds is telling us that if you have ice coffee no one can get in your way, and if they do you’ll knock them over. So your fundamental nature is that you are a tough guy if you drink McDonald’s ice coffee. Hillary probably drinks it. Bush for sure does. Barrack, he drinks Frappes. He has to in order to bowl the way he does.
The Utah Jazz should drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee, but they don’t, at least not at home. We all know in Utah liquor and coffees are outlawed; but polygamy, now there’s something you can sink your teeth into (or do you sip it through a straw?). So pass the 14 year old and mind the milk.
I wonder if that guy who wants the NBA to cancel the Houston/Utah game because Houston is in Texas, and because they are in Texas T. Mac must be responsible for the family services down there taking all those good little “Mormon” kids. Oh wait, they aren’t Mormon. Neither is T-Mac…so it all works out. I wonder if T-Mac drinks McDonald’s Ice Coffee. That's not possible if it means your tough (ouch!). He probably drinks powdered milk.
We know the FLDS kids don’t dink MCdonald's Ice Coffee. They all drink mother’s milk if you believe all the news stories. I wonder if any of the FLDS kids jumped on those beds in the temple? I hope not, they’d spill their McDonald’s Ice Coffee the Jeff’s family is forcing them to drink, or not to drink, I don’t know which it is anymore because they aren’t Mormons. We all know Mormons are the only people on the earth who don’t drink McDonald’s ice coffee.
I don’t drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee so I must be Mormon. So in essence McDonalds is practicing religious bigotry with their commercial. I wonder what Reverend Wright would say about that? “G.D. McDonalds; it’s in the Bible!” It probably is, somewhere. The book of Ronald, chapter 2, I think.
Illegal aliens don’t drink enough McDonald’s Ice Coffee. We need to send them back, until they toughen up. We need them to drink more or get out; our economy depends on their consumption of McDonald’s Ice Coffee.
So here’s the moral I guess: If you drink McDonald’s Ice Coffee you’re a hooker and a tough Line Baker in the NFL, who knocks down little old ladies in the grocery store. You are Non-Mormon, an FLDS child (who jumps on the bed), and a Democrat, who hates McDonalds, and you are cheering for the Houston Rockets. And you might be a red neck illegal alien.
McDonalds needs to start writing Hillary commercials. They are so full of meaning, and their advertising budget is huge. We could see a Hillary commercial during every station break. McCain never had it so good (he drinks Diet Lime Coke I think).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Don't Count on It
Glenn Beck has it right, I do not like either party and I do not trust any of the politicians to do what they say they will, because they will not. So what is there to trust in? Religion aside, and I know for me it is what life really should be, but that aside what in this world can we count on?
We can pretty well plan on gaining weight. We can also plan to get older. We can plan on the fact that business will continue to make money and not give us much of it. We can count on the fact that government will not get smaller and taxes will not go down. We can count on the world trying to keep Oil king. I wonder what spurred the move away from whale blubber to oil. I know, the car, but why didn’t they create a car that ran on blubber? We can always breed whales. We do not have many dinosaurs to kill and squash under sand for thousands of years.
Why can’t we figure out how to make cars run on something else? Why do we have to grow tons of corn to put in our cars so that we cannot afford beef in a year or so? Why can’t people who make decisions look long term and not just to the next election? We can count on leadership to be mediocre at best; we can count on so-called leaders to do the expedient rather than the right thing. We can count on the fact that they will speak to us to make us excited. Public Relations is an art and political science has discovered lots of societal formulas. So we get Obama exciting everyone to hope for socialism, even though he really doesn’t believe it will work. We hear Obama saying he will get out of Iraq with his public mouth and behind the scenes, he is saying well let us talk about it and do what Bush is trying to do anyway.
Then there’s Hillary target Clinton. The one who is picked on and shot at and deserves the presidency because she lived with one. The problem is what experience did she get from Bill? It must be how to bomb Iraq when you are being impeached? Obviously, she learned to duck under fire in her mind. They always say to be successful at something you need to visualize it. It depends on what is is, whether she misspoke or lied.
McCain is old. He is too old. We did that with one President already and he forgot that he had a second term and what is is, or where it went, or why it was.
We can count on both parties to hate the result of the election and promise to fix it in the mid-term and next election. We can count on the Republicans in Congress to discover thrift again. We can count on the democrats to tax and spend and blame the Republicans who set the example.
We can count on prices to go up on everything but wages. Obama has promised to raise taxes. Hillary has promised whatever you want. McCain has promised to go on trips overseas.
I promise to be disgusted and vote. However, I also promise I will not like it. I can count on some cop somewhere trying to do his job to pick on me, instead of that person who just whizzed past us on their cell phone. I can count on someone else getting a job I would like and someone else to make the money I would like. I can count on everyone telling me to keep trying and it will work out. I can count on it will not. What I will not count on is this country surviving as a world leader much longer. We’re too busy counting on our past to sustain us, while we become a nation of lazy people, who believe someone else will do it, and those gay people aren’t so bad, and those illegal immigrants are doing my yard and cooking my food so I’m ok and they’re rotten, but I hope they keep the prices down for us, because heaven knows the economy stinks and my salary isn’t going up. Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what Mexico can do, and what courtesy you can extend to someone who violates every moral character aspect that our past was founded on. What can we count on? Nothing.
We can pretty well plan on gaining weight. We can also plan to get older. We can plan on the fact that business will continue to make money and not give us much of it. We can count on the fact that government will not get smaller and taxes will not go down. We can count on the world trying to keep Oil king. I wonder what spurred the move away from whale blubber to oil. I know, the car, but why didn’t they create a car that ran on blubber? We can always breed whales. We do not have many dinosaurs to kill and squash under sand for thousands of years.
Why can’t we figure out how to make cars run on something else? Why do we have to grow tons of corn to put in our cars so that we cannot afford beef in a year or so? Why can’t people who make decisions look long term and not just to the next election? We can count on leadership to be mediocre at best; we can count on so-called leaders to do the expedient rather than the right thing. We can count on the fact that they will speak to us to make us excited. Public Relations is an art and political science has discovered lots of societal formulas. So we get Obama exciting everyone to hope for socialism, even though he really doesn’t believe it will work. We hear Obama saying he will get out of Iraq with his public mouth and behind the scenes, he is saying well let us talk about it and do what Bush is trying to do anyway.
Then there’s Hillary target Clinton. The one who is picked on and shot at and deserves the presidency because she lived with one. The problem is what experience did she get from Bill? It must be how to bomb Iraq when you are being impeached? Obviously, she learned to duck under fire in her mind. They always say to be successful at something you need to visualize it. It depends on what is is, whether she misspoke or lied.
McCain is old. He is too old. We did that with one President already and he forgot that he had a second term and what is is, or where it went, or why it was.
We can count on both parties to hate the result of the election and promise to fix it in the mid-term and next election. We can count on the Republicans in Congress to discover thrift again. We can count on the democrats to tax and spend and blame the Republicans who set the example.
We can count on prices to go up on everything but wages. Obama has promised to raise taxes. Hillary has promised whatever you want. McCain has promised to go on trips overseas.
I promise to be disgusted and vote. However, I also promise I will not like it. I can count on some cop somewhere trying to do his job to pick on me, instead of that person who just whizzed past us on their cell phone. I can count on someone else getting a job I would like and someone else to make the money I would like. I can count on everyone telling me to keep trying and it will work out. I can count on it will not. What I will not count on is this country surviving as a world leader much longer. We’re too busy counting on our past to sustain us, while we become a nation of lazy people, who believe someone else will do it, and those gay people aren’t so bad, and those illegal immigrants are doing my yard and cooking my food so I’m ok and they’re rotten, but I hope they keep the prices down for us, because heaven knows the economy stinks and my salary isn’t going up. Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what Mexico can do, and what courtesy you can extend to someone who violates every moral character aspect that our past was founded on. What can we count on? Nothing.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Eyes Have It
I have a question. I’m sure some body language expert somewhere can tell us about what significance eye blinking has in a conversation. I was watching the tube again with the sound off the other night and on one of the news channels I watched the commentators, and noticed the men blink rarely. As the women spoke as they made a strong point and gestured they would blink and usually twice. It seemed that their eye blinks indicated they were stressing a point. Then I watched a few commercials. Nobody blinked, indicating honesty I suppose.
Obama didn’t blink until he shut up. Clinton is a lip licker and blinks double too. Larry King was wide eyed (he really is starting look bad though, he doesn’t look healthy at all). I didn’t see McCain, but Huckabee, if his eyelids were fan blades we would be in a hurricane talking with him. To me he looked dishonest. I know, he’s supposed to be the righteous equivalent of a Barry Goldwater, but he looks like a slime ball to me. Romney was out of the race, so I didn’t get his blink rate, but I can see an occasional blink in my minds eye, but nothing like good old St. Huckabee.
I don’t know what any of that means, but I’m finding an interesting thing happening here in Romney country. Romney fans don’t want to vote for McCain. Fair enough. But if he puts Huckabee on the ticket with him (can he really avoid it now?) these same Romney folks want to vote for Obama! Now how does that make sense? Conservatives, won’t vote for the closest thing they have to it, in favor of a liberal? Why, because he speaks well? Probably. I said here before he is sounding themes in a Kennedy style. Some think its Martin Luther King’s style. It doesn’t matter which it is. He is promising to look to the future, to bring Shambala, (i.e. Camelot) with “Vigah” and style. He is making it work too. If he can convince the reddest state in the nation to go blue next election, more power to him. Just a word of warning though to those voters who are falling on the bandwagon, look beyond the rhetoric and look at what he wants to do
He wants to surrender in Iraq. He wants to nationalize health care. He wants to raise taxes. He wants to spend money. It sounds an awful lot like Bill Clinton, let alone Hillary. To go from the conservative camp to Obama’s reminds me of a turkey volunteering for Thanksgiving dinner. I hope the voters brains aren’t in the same category as the turkey.
Obama didn’t blink until he shut up. Clinton is a lip licker and blinks double too. Larry King was wide eyed (he really is starting look bad though, he doesn’t look healthy at all). I didn’t see McCain, but Huckabee, if his eyelids were fan blades we would be in a hurricane talking with him. To me he looked dishonest. I know, he’s supposed to be the righteous equivalent of a Barry Goldwater, but he looks like a slime ball to me. Romney was out of the race, so I didn’t get his blink rate, but I can see an occasional blink in my minds eye, but nothing like good old St. Huckabee.
I don’t know what any of that means, but I’m finding an interesting thing happening here in Romney country. Romney fans don’t want to vote for McCain. Fair enough. But if he puts Huckabee on the ticket with him (can he really avoid it now?) these same Romney folks want to vote for Obama! Now how does that make sense? Conservatives, won’t vote for the closest thing they have to it, in favor of a liberal? Why, because he speaks well? Probably. I said here before he is sounding themes in a Kennedy style. Some think its Martin Luther King’s style. It doesn’t matter which it is. He is promising to look to the future, to bring Shambala, (i.e. Camelot) with “Vigah” and style. He is making it work too. If he can convince the reddest state in the nation to go blue next election, more power to him. Just a word of warning though to those voters who are falling on the bandwagon, look beyond the rhetoric and look at what he wants to do
He wants to surrender in Iraq. He wants to nationalize health care. He wants to raise taxes. He wants to spend money. It sounds an awful lot like Bill Clinton, let alone Hillary. To go from the conservative camp to Obama’s reminds me of a turkey volunteering for Thanksgiving dinner. I hope the voters brains aren’t in the same category as the turkey.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Current Affair
I am doing something I should not. My wife drove me to it. Therefore, the blame really is hers. But I would not want her to find out about it either. She asked for it really, so it really should not surprise her, but never the less its best if she does not know. Life is too short to have to deal with such a potentially divisive thing.
I do not mean to hurt her by doing this. I just have needs. At some point, I recommend this to everyone to try this sometime. It is an interesting “experience” and opens your eyes a lot to what really goes on in today’s world.
Oh, no! Not THAT! I am talking about when we get into bed my wife does not like me watching television because it keeps her awake. I need to have some time to unwind and watch the news and get caught up. I mean there is a real election fight going on right now. It is fascinating to follow. So what I did is wait for her to fall asleep and I turned the TV back on to CNN and MSNBC and Fox News. Flipping back and forth to try to stay out of commercials as much as possible. However, I had the TV muted. Aside from the scrolling newscasts at the bottom of the screen, “What,” I hear you cry, “Do you think you’ll get out of something like that.” Not much if it’s just Larry King blathering on about something liberal. Nevertheless, watch the debates, or even better a rally for one of the candidates. I watched a Bush press conference with some group that way. Have no idea what he said, but it was sure fun to watch his expressions.
Doing this I realized how old McCain is getting. How phony Susan Surandon is standing in the middle of a bunch of Edwards supporters in Vermont. How old Bill Clinton is getting to look…and how totally rehearsed he is when he stands behind Hillary. It is probably not fair, but I also learned Hillary wears a boatload of makeup, and is quite chunky. Romney is smooth, Huckabee is a jerk, putting on a show, and Obama…well I think Obama believes he can win and might even believe his own message.
That is telling right there. I am a Romney fan politically, so not much danger of voting for Obama there, but he is beginning to feel a bit Kennedyesque to me…and Hillary a bit Billesque (or was that Burlesque, hard to tell). Reagan’s heir appears to be Romney, even though McCain wants to be. Thompson, though he would not look very good in the shorts he wore on Love Boat, still can play to the camera, he just cannot campaign. I am missing someone…oh yeah Rudy…I think he is missing something, a campaign.
Try it; you will have a new outlook on life. Just do not wake my wife.
I do not mean to hurt her by doing this. I just have needs. At some point, I recommend this to everyone to try this sometime. It is an interesting “experience” and opens your eyes a lot to what really goes on in today’s world.
Oh, no! Not THAT! I am talking about when we get into bed my wife does not like me watching television because it keeps her awake. I need to have some time to unwind and watch the news and get caught up. I mean there is a real election fight going on right now. It is fascinating to follow. So what I did is wait for her to fall asleep and I turned the TV back on to CNN and MSNBC and Fox News. Flipping back and forth to try to stay out of commercials as much as possible. However, I had the TV muted. Aside from the scrolling newscasts at the bottom of the screen, “What,” I hear you cry, “Do you think you’ll get out of something like that.” Not much if it’s just Larry King blathering on about something liberal. Nevertheless, watch the debates, or even better a rally for one of the candidates. I watched a Bush press conference with some group that way. Have no idea what he said, but it was sure fun to watch his expressions.
Doing this I realized how old McCain is getting. How phony Susan Surandon is standing in the middle of a bunch of Edwards supporters in Vermont. How old Bill Clinton is getting to look…and how totally rehearsed he is when he stands behind Hillary. It is probably not fair, but I also learned Hillary wears a boatload of makeup, and is quite chunky. Romney is smooth, Huckabee is a jerk, putting on a show, and Obama…well I think Obama believes he can win and might even believe his own message.
That is telling right there. I am a Romney fan politically, so not much danger of voting for Obama there, but he is beginning to feel a bit Kennedyesque to me…and Hillary a bit Billesque (or was that Burlesque, hard to tell). Reagan’s heir appears to be Romney, even though McCain wants to be. Thompson, though he would not look very good in the shorts he wore on Love Boat, still can play to the camera, he just cannot campaign. I am missing someone…oh yeah Rudy…I think he is missing something, a campaign.
Try it; you will have a new outlook on life. Just do not wake my wife.
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