Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's Tuesday, which is nothing to brag about, but its cold and there are a lot of things bugging me. Aside from having to throw out a full mouse trap, and trying to keep everyone happy with the heat, life continues as a rather hum drum affair at the moment. But I did listen to Hannity today and he was talking to Cindy Sheehan. She has a point but it seems as simple as Bernard King's "Can't we all just get along," mentality. As nice a thought as that is it is simplistic. Hannity pinned her down on what she would say if she was talking to the Iranian dictator, and in essence all she said was I would ask him to stop the fighting and lets talk about it. Isn't that nice. We were forced to watch 24 the last two nights by the kids...and when that nuke blew it kind of blew her arguements too. Something like that is in the works you can be sure.
Then there was that kidnapping case in Missouri. I listened to Mike Reagan on the way home from work last night and he told the story of his own sexual abuse. He was quite angry when discussing the media's complaining that the older one didn't escape. I really don't like people making a judgement in the case. Over the last year I've learned that the justice system is not one that is friendly or helpful to the accused. It is not innocent until proven guilty...but guilty until you prove your innocence...and you are treated that way in the system. When the person is completly innocent of the charges, which we've experienced this past year, you have to spend a ton of money on lawyers and in our case polygraph tests and psychological examinations. Then when the Family Service folks get involved you have to do it all over again just to get the accused's name of their list of people not worthy to live in their eyes. I'm into this about $15,000 and 1 year now, and it will probably go on another year to get the mess cleaned up.

So to Cindy, and the media who want to hang people for things based on surface observations, try living in something more than a superficial, shallow world. Try understanding it and deal with it in the way it presents itself. Sometimes that means we have to topple dictators, sometimes that means the justice system has to admit that it messed up and stop foisting more costs onto innocent vicitims...So media remember just because its a sensational story, doesn't mean you can or should make the value judgements, before the facts are known. In some cases folks it's better that we don't know. I really don't want to know what those kids went through because I'm sure from their perspective it could really be an embarrassment. The boys and the older one in particular broke no laws. They are the victims...leave them alone. Let them heal.
Let the rest of us heal and rejoice in something positive for a change. We can ask questions, sure and in time there will be some Dr. who will come out with information that will explain what happens in such cases. In fact this isn't a first. That kid named Stephen in California was a similar case. Too many people don't remember or even know that story.
Well its time to go seperate my 17 year old from his mother's vicinity to keep the peace in the house..."can't they just get along?"

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