Tuesday, March 6, 2007

What does it take to be President?

I really got a kick out of Hillary and Obama last weekend trying to out black the other one in Selma Alabama. And Hillary of course had to drag out her southern accent. Face it no matter how hard she tries, she's still white. He's still a mixture and neither one of them were there when Selma went nuts. That is all just a bunch of fun to watch, the Demo's falling over each other trying to out demo the other demo....but the one that has my attention is the Republican side.

I mean there are a bunch of them running, a bunch that no one knows then there are the big three. Sounds like the auto industry. There's Mitt, and Rudy and that guy from AZ. McCain. Rudy can't possibly win because the southern baptists....oh excuse me the conservative christian coalition..my mistake, because he is in love with abortion. McCain can't win because he got mad at Fallwell last time, and Mitt, well he can't win because he's a Marmon...Mormon for people outside of southern Utah...oh and he loves gays.

Now here's the problem with all of that, Rudy isn't going to have any affect on abortion McCain is kissing up the Jerry and Mitt...well he's Mormon. I find it interesting that the so called Christians that gave us Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter, or the Catholics who gave us John Kennedy, with some of the most inept leadership and moral depravity...those Christians can't vote for a Mormon, because he believes people can become better than they are, who was elected in a state that gave us Kennedy and Kerry and the State Supreme Court that gave us gay marriage...that a guy like that who has nothing but excellent accomplishments to his name, who turned the Salt Lake Olympics into a model for future Olympics from the jaws of scandal...those Christians can't vote for him because he's one of them there Mormon guys. (you know he has horns and believes in polygamy don't you?).

I don't know if Mitt can win, and I don't know if he's the best choice, and I doubt it would be good for him to take his religion and allow the media to blame everything on his church once he became president anyway. But I see a lot more morals and the ability to try to be himself, than I do in any of the others. The Christian right gave us Bush for that matter and everybody hates him...and yes, I'll say it Gore may have won with a different vice-presidential choice..thank heavens Lieberman is Jewish...though a democrat an excellent statesman and would have been a good president when Gore resigned to make movies.

I just wonder where some people come off saying Mitt is Mormon so we won't vote for him...but we'll put Bill in office to do his hanky-panky, and Hillary we'll put her back so she can steal some more furniture. Did you ever wonder once her 8 years were over what she would do with Bill? Off with his head.....something we should probably pass along to most of the candidates now.

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